Field and Figure
Paintings and Sculptures by Kimberly Trowbridge
J. Rinehart Gallery, Seattle
June 2024
This exhibition is a culmination of field paintings, figure paintings, and sculptural forms I’ve developed over the past several years. It is an attempt to bring together multiple paths in my creative practice and to let them mingle and reveal my underlying interest in structural, poetic form. In each work I am engaged in the process of breaking-down and honing-in on the essential shapes, colors, and forms of my experience.
My field works from Wyoming, the Mojave Desert, and Tieton, WA represent a shift in my palette, away from the deep and varied greens of the PNW. These works are a longing for distances, horizons, breath. These are primary documents— every mark is made directly on the field, a record of my sentient experience of color and form in a specific location. Painting in nature is a process of locating where I am. The distant hills reveal themselves as texts, the perfectly scaled blocks of color lined-up like letters or figures in an alphabet.
The singular figure paintings here are painted in the liferoom, directly from the model. As an artist and educator, I value the rigorous process of translating my physical experience into optical form. Responding to a body in space through the organization of value, temperature, and intensity… it is a prismatic dance, a playing of chords.
I began building my sculptural forms several years ago in the Mojave Desert. My forms are based on figures that appear in the classical paintings of the 17th century painter, Nicolas Poussin. My forms are essentialized gestures that respond to each other and can be rearranged as though on a stage, shifting meanings, rewriting the script.
I love the formal language of art. I love deconstructing and isolating the parts of it in my own personal way and then rebuilding forms with the pared-down bones of my visual alphabet. I love the marriage of technical and narrative form, of materials and meanings. I love the history of art and its documentation of human consciousness.
I am endlessly fascinated and inspired by the process of forming, building, and speaking through shapes of color.
polaroids by Leanna Bre